On December 12, 2023, the general meeting of the AS-International Association was again held online. In addition to the annual review of 2023 and the planning for the coming year 2024, the agenda also included the regular elections of the Management Board.
This year's elections re-elected Jochen Bihl from Bihl+Wiedemann as Chairman of the Board, Bernd Kaiser from Siemens as Vice-Chairman and Frank Ebert from Pepperl+Fuchs as Head of the Technical Commission. Ralf Kämper from ifm was newly elected to the Board as Treasurer.
We would like to thank our long-standing treasurer Michael Strauss for many years of good and successful cooperation!
Overall, we look back at a successful year and are excited about this year's activities and events. The first highlight in 2024 will be the Hannover Messe!